I had my 36 week check up yesterday & it went perfectly!! Baby has been breech for the last couple months so they were going to schedule me for an
ECV to try & turn her manually. Which sometimes works but also has some serious risks & I could end up having an emergency c-section. I have been praying that she would turn herself & save us both the stress of the
ECV procedure. God is Good!! All is as it should be. Baby is head down & I've started to dilate! This pregnancy has been so different from the others, which were fairly uneventful & a lot easier. I think my body is getting too old for this.
LOL! I am trying to enjoy the last couple weeks of my pregnancy since it will likely be my last. I almost can't
believe its so close to being over. I remember thinking January 2010 felt like forever away when we found out we were pregnant in May but here we are about to meet our precious baby in just a couple weeks! I praise the Lord for this amazing gift of life! I pray for a safe delivery & a healthy baby.
I have so much to share I just haven't had time to take the photos yet. But here is a card I made for a friends B-Day using some of my favorite retired stamps,
dp, & in colors.

Thanks for stopping by today!