In honor of Carolyn Ng I am holding a fundraiser day to benefit the American Cancer Societies Breast Cancer Awareness & Early Detection ProgramMay 23 Pampered Chef Help Whip Cancer Fundraiser
from 11:00-2:00
Come learn how to prepare budget friendly, time saving, delicious meals at home!! Pampered Chef is donating 25% of all product sales to benefit the American Cancer Societies Breast Cancer Awareness Program! Plus an additional $1 for each exclusive pink product you purchase & $3 more for each cooking show booked during this event!
May 23 Stamp Out Breast Cancer Fundraiser
open house from 11:00-5:00 RSVP by May 19
Class Fee Just $20 for 10 fun projects! Also includes a Pampered Chef lunch!
Or for just $10 you can rent a 6ft table from 11-5 to work on your scrapbooking or other projects! Plus we will be raffling/auctioning off over $200 in
Stampin Up products!! Woo
Hoo!!! Fun! Fun! Fun!

Here are a couple more of the 10 fun projects we will be creating at the Stamp Out Breast Cancer Fundraiser on May 23rd! In addition to this fun stamping event we will be having a Pampered Chef demonstration fundraiser from 11:00-2:00. You will get to learn some great recipes, taste some yummy food, & get some quality kitchen tools to benefit this worthwhile cause! All proceeds from both events to benefit the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Awareness & Early Detection Program. If you can't make it but you would still like to purchase some great Pampered Chef products go to . Use my name as the host & your order will be added to this fundraiser & shipped directly to you! If you have any questions email me .
Hope your day is a happy one!Smiles & Blessings,