Trip 1-Walgreens
10 boxes Ritz Crackerfuls -$9.00 (MoneyMaker)
1 box Wheat Thins -$ .30 (MoneyMaker)
1 Coffee Drink -$.30 (MoneyMaker)
3 Kids Nintendo DS Games $4.75ea=$14.25
2 Charmin TP 9roll packs $1.34ea=$2.68
4 boxes Flavored Gelatin $.20ea=$.80
1 TY Stuffed Giraffe $1.05
4 Reynolds Wrap 75ft $1.69 ea.=$6.76
4 Bounty Paper Towels 6 roll pack $2.35ea=$9.40
Paid about $25 Total Savings$83.54
Trip 2- Rite Aid
2 Schick Hydro Razor Refills $1.25ea= $2.50
1 Sunsweet Ones $1.99
1 Corn Pops Cereal $1.18
2 Candy Bars $.50ea=$1
1 Excedrin $3.99
2 Renpure Conditioners $FREE
Paid about $11 Total Savings $17.68
Trip 3- Safeway
6 Lipton Teas $.10ea= $.60
2 boxes Trix $.89=$1.78
2 boxes Cinnamon Toast Crunch -$.32 (MoneyMaker)
2 Cake Mix $.39=$.78
1 6 pack Ramen Noodles $.89
1 gallon Milk $3.29
15 Prego Pasta sauce $1.38ea=$20.70
12 cans Black Beans $.54ea=$6.48
1 Pretzel Snacks $2.49
1 Crescent Rolls $.99
2 Pillsbury Pizza Dough $3.98
1 Cool Whip $1
2 Hot Pockets $2ea.= $4
2 Maries Blue Cheese $1.38ea=$2.75
1 Bell Pepper $1
Paid about $50 Total Savings $89.17
At Walgreens I get a 15% off family discount & the TP, Games, & Paper Towels were on clearance. The trick is pairing up your coupons with the stores sale prices. I think the best deal I got was the razor refills at Rite Aid. They were $8.49ea but Rite Aid had them BOGO free & I had 2 $3 off coupons! So even though 1 was free I was still buying 2 so I could use 2 coupons! Woo Hoo! Anyway enough about that for now...I do have a card to share!
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