She is still small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink! Love that!

I had a chance to frame one of the make n take projects from Leadership! It looks so cute on my display shelf & inspires me to go after my dreams. Leadership was such a fabulous experience! I was so blessed to have been able to go. The absolute highlight for me was spending time with an amazing friend & really realizing what Stampin Up is all about! Yes the products are super fabulous but its really all about relationships. The products are just a way to build , strengthen, & nurture those relationships that are so dear to us. Putting a smile on the face of those we love is such a priceless gift. Like smiles, stamping transcends gender, age, occupation, education, & social status. It gives us a chance to just have fun, create, connect & build friendship with each other! It was an amazing thing to realize that if it had not been for my love of stamping I would not have met a group of women that I cherish so dearly. I am blessed to call them my friends! Every time we get together face to face or in cyberspace I really appreciate the fact that they are choosing to spend time with me & letting me share a bit of what I love with them!
One of my goals in 2012 is to share more of what I love with others by offering the amazing opportunity of becoming a Stampin Up Demonstrator to as many as I can & having more home parties so others can have an opportunity to get together with friends & just have FUN! I think we can all use a bit more FUN in our lives! Ok on that note I have got to go get ready for the FUN I get to have tomorrow at my SALE-A-BRATION KICK OFF PARTY! Hope you can make it!