OMGosh I can't believe how fast time flies sometimes! Life has been crazy & a lot of it not in a good way so sorry for being MIA for so long but I haven't stamped anything in a while. :(
I have been practicing my sewing though. A couple weeks ago I got this crazy idea that I WAS going to learn how to make clothes for my girls. I have spent a ton of time researching, blog hopping, & youtubing sewing stuff. I'm kinda crazy like that...once I get it in my head to do something I chomp on that idea like a pit bull until its completed. I'm happy to say I have completed 2 "successful" dresses for #4 (yes, I will now be referring to the girls by birth order. It's just easier that way.). And by successful I mean not too many horrendous mistakes & she will actually wear them with out screaming her head off & running the other direction when I try to put them on her. The other clothing item I completed last year, I think I uploaded photos, she only wore it that one time. See I had no idea what I was doing when I made it but she eventually let me put it on her but to get it off....well lets just say we almost needed the jaws of life. LOL. So needless to say she did not want anything to do with that outfit after that. Next on the list is matching Easter dresses for them all, except #1, at 17 I don't see her being excited to be all matchy matchy with the little ones. It's a big challenge but we'll see. Anyway the only card have to share is one I made for a class a couple months ago...

This is based on a beautiful sample I saw at leadership. Still going through stuff so not sure when I'll be back in full swing but I'll try to keep ya posted!
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