
Tuesday, August 14

Blog Hop Day 6

Well thanks for continuing to check in for our daily Artisan Finalist projects! Its been so fun seeing what each of these talented gals created for the contest! Today I have another card to share.

As you may already know I am a huge procrastinator. I will wait till the last possible minute to get things done. It's sick, really. Anyway my contest entries were no exception. My hubby always says its because I do my best work under pressure. Aw thanks hunny, you're such an enabler! LOL! So I had finished a couple of my projects on a reasonable time schedule this time (SHOCKER!) but then I just completely lost my mojo & couldn't do anything for days. Now its just a few days till I have to get all the entries in the mail & they still aren't made or even thought up. So I simply said "God, the only way this is going to get done is if you help me." I guess the rest is history since I obviously did get all the entries done in time but it was seriously only by the grace of God! This card was one of my favorites!! It was the first time I really tried this amount of sewing on a card & it just came out so stinkin cute! Anyway I am sure you are anxious to see what Tara has for you so lets head over.


Here's the line up in case you get lost on your way:

7. Mercedes Weber (you are here)
9. Mindy Bingamon



  1. I love the feeling of this card. I'm really going to start using my sewing machine on my cards. Great work!

  2. I just adore this card. God is good! I do my best work when I get out of the way and just turn it completely over to the Lord.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Its much appreciated!