
Thursday, January 29

Fancy Friday- Flashback!

Welcome to this months Fancy Friday Blog Hop! Today's theme is "Flashback Friday" & we were supposed to share an old photo of ourselves & use a retired stamp set...I know Crazy, right?!
Anyway I have a ton of retired products & a few pictures so I was happy to use both-
This was taken back in 1980 I suspect.
Its funny because I have a similar picture of Logan when she was 2.  
Now on to a mix of something old & something new...

Remember Nature Walk? I love this set & it probably has a permanent home in my collection. Vintage will always be my favorite style & the new Butterfly Basics stamp set is just fabulous for getting that look so that was my "new" thing. This card can easily be creating completely with that set just by replacing the bird cage with the pretty butterfly but I love that bird cage!
I'm excited to see which sets the other girls have resurrected so lets keep hoppin'
on to the amazing Becky Cowley :)


  1. Love your card! So glad I didn't get rid of nature walk when it retired! You did a fantastic job uniting both stamp sets!! Jennifer, SU demo, Canada

  2. Wow, Mercedes!! This card is soooo you--that Vintage Look!! I love it and am going to tell you now, I plan to CASE it!


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