
Tuesday, January 7

Artisan Wednesday Wow

Welcome to our first blog hop of 2014! I truly hope everyone had a blessed holiday season!  Thanks for coming back to visit & hop along with the team.
I wish I could say after the holidays life resumed to business as usual but we have still been going non stop. As some of you know this week is the SU Leadership conference & I am currently packing so I can catch a flight to Houston to enjoy all the festivities!!! (Stop & say Hi if ya see me!)

As if that wasn't enough excitement, have you seen the new Occasions Catalog-Oh My Gosh! Another one that breaks the bank people! Everything is just sooooo stinking Fabulous! Alright with out further ado lets get to some eye candy...
Three words...Tag. Topper. Punches. Seriously ADDICTED. Good thing I have a bazillon swaps to make so these babies are getting a work out. Just in case you wanted to see the card these little cuties made there way one to, here it is:

But that's not all, hey I said I was addicted.

 Squeal! Cute envie to match which is currently in transit to an awesomely awesome chick I know! {Insert Winky Face}
Alrighty lets move on to another awesome chick I know...the fabulous Alanna Wharf!



  1. Ok, like, I totally received this card in the mail and I freakin' LOVE it!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Adorable!!!

  2. Oh Mercedes...the tags all by themselves are adorable...but I love how you incorporated them into cards!


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