
Friday, February 15

A Creative Mess!

First off I want to say THANK YOU to those of you that have left comments & prayed for us! I truly truly appreciate it. I know that prayer changes things & today was more confirmation of that. Today was pretty good for mom. We took her to the doctor & got the results of her blood work. One of the things that could be causing the dementia to be so bad is a bacteria in the instenstines so she will start on medications to treat that. There is hope for her over all condition to improve & I am so very grateful for that.
Anyway I had a chance to take a few photos today & wanted to share one.
I found some really fun tags at an antique store we stopped at yesterday & this one was my favorite.
I got the eye roll from hubby but I loved the saying. LOL!
Hope you have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mercedes,

    You had mentioned that your mom could't remember how to dial a telephone. My mom had the exact thing happen to her in June. My dad took her to the doctor and they did an MRI. They found a brain tumor, which was causing all of the confusion. Has the doctor ran one of these?

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Barbara


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Its much appreciated!