
Sunday, October 31

a kitty & a card!

Had to share this picture of one of our new kittens taking a nap with the baby. It was so adorable! We got 2 little kitties a couple weeks ago & they are like having 2 more kids. There favorite thing is to sleep all day they tear through the house & play with the baby's toy all night. Its cute to see them jumping in to the stationary walker thingy & play the toy piano. One will get on top the walker & reach down through the leg holes to attack the other one. Anyway here is a card we will be making at December's Technique Tuesday!
Once in awhile I do get things done in advance! Not often but I know with the business of the holidays & girls birthdays things will get crazy quick! So anything I can accomplish ahead of time is great.

ETA: For those who have asked about how this is done I am working on a little photo tutorial.


  1. Darling kitty!! Our kitty is old 15 so we don't suffer from middle of the night playing :) Give them a snuggle for me! Love the card. the embossed portion is gorgeous and I just love the script.

  2. Ooooohhhhh...I hope I get to be at TT tomorrow! I love the card; absolutely beautiful. You got another kitten?? Last time I was there, I thought you had only one. There are so cute though, huh? I loves the kitties ;-)

  3. So pretty. How do you get it to stay smooth in the middle? Can you please email me with the tecnique?

    Thank you,



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