
Sunday, January 24

Fab in 5!

I started the samples for the Fabulous in 5 Minutes class. Anything with lots of sparkle is fabulous, right? So hard to capture the bling on camera but this is very sparkly in person!

Baby update: L&D was full yesterday so they called us in this morning & I am hooked up to all the gadgets. IV's hurt!!! Sorry had to whine about it when it comes to needles I am such a whimp! Tried to get them to stick my hubby so we could "share" in the labor experience but no luck...Anyway I will update when I have more news. Yay for wifi & lap tops!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow - gorgeous card!
    I can't believe you're in the hospital - great to get the updates. Such a shame your husband wouldn't share in the fun : )


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